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Report of Freedmen in Camps &c omitted. I have no Freedmen in Camps. I am allowed to furnish no rations and have never received a copy of Circular No 10 War Dept Bureau of RF&A.L. 
Special order No 11 has never been received at this office, repeated estimates have been made for funds, Books blanks and stationery and none have been received and all the business and reports I have done and made have been at my own private expense for stationery and printing. It is with the greatest difficulty that I have been able to secure sufficient enlisted men to take the census and these have proved to be of a very indifferent character and change incessantly. Not receiving the different orders and circulars, from the insecurity of mails or other causes, has been another great disadvantage. 

I am very respy 
Your Obt Servant
B. C Carter
Capt & Supt 8th Dist
Bureau of Refugees &c