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Office Supt 8th Dist Va 
Wytheville Va
Oct. 13th 1865. 

Col. O. Brown 
Asst. Comr. of Va. 

Sir I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of 15 Blank forms of Land reports & 20 of Rations issued to R and Freedmen: & 2 R.R. Transportation Ticketts & I wold respectfully call your attention to the Requisitions sent in by Capt Carter for Stationery for this month: as the taking of the census in any of the Counties is stoped for want of paper: & I did not find a sheet of any kind of paper in this office: 

Who shall I call on to detail Asst. Supt. for Sub. Dists, for there is only 3 Asst. Supt. that I can find in the whole Dist. 

I am Col,
Most Respectfully
Your Obedient Servat 
H.A. Eastman
Capt 11th Conn. Vols, 
& Supt. 8th Dist Va

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-25 16:30:08