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A true Copy
C. B. Wilder
Capt & A.Q.M.

Fort Monroe Nov. 10/65

To whom it may Concern

I hereby testify that Mr. L. Y. Winder called on me week before last and asked me how I came to cut the two trees on his land for a Boat. 

I replied Capt. Wilder told me I might. He asked me how much I paid for it. I said I expected it was worth about eight dollars, but I did not know but I should have to pay fifteen dollars for it and all the wood.

I did not say that I had paid one cent for it. And I now say that I have not paid a cent toward it.

Mr. Winder forbid my taking any of the down wood for my own use.

Mr. S. S. Nicholas was present
John Banks his X Mark

W. H. Hunt }
A. W. Weeks }

Mr. S. S. Nicholas on hearing the above read, said it is true.

C. B. Wilder Capt.
& A.Q.M. & Supt. 9th Dist.

Witness, A. W. Weeks

Transcription Notes:
unsure what the "his" over the X mark inbetween John Bank's signing off. Some people could not write at that time and used an "X" to designate their signatures ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-26 10:29:35 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-26 10:32:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-26 10:53:20 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-26 15:45:02