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Office Supt. Refugees &c. Dist. No. 9.
Fort Monroe, Va. Nov. 12th 1865.

Col. O. Brown.
Asst. Court Freedman's Bureau State of Va.
Richmond, Va. 

I have the honor to state in reply to your communication of the 10th inst. that immediately upon the receipt of your order to forward to Hd Qrs a list of dependents
and their former homes, instructions were
given to my agents to prepare such lists.

The work is nearly completed. Only about one hundred names wanting and these are scattered on the farms about Fort Monroe, but at such distances as not to be easy to obtain them immediately. I will forward them in a few days. 

I am, Colonel, 
Very respectfully 
your obedient servant 
C.B Wilder 
Capt and A.Q.M and Supt. Refugees &c.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-26 15:41:13