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Clover Lea July 7th 1865

Col Brown

I respectfully represent as I am verbally requested through Wm Baker (Colored) that transported your further order to Han [[Hanover]] Ct Hse on yesterday, that no rations can be had there at this time. It is with much regret I am thus compelled to be so troublesome  Allow me to say that those nearer the Ct Hse than I who am 12 miles off get all as I hear before I can know they are there. If any would be directed there for me Specially as by name & you could so far trouble yourself as to inform me when I may send with an apurance [[appearance]] if necessary I would be obliged

Yr obt. St
G W Bassett

Mr Baker represented the Comdt at Ct Hse as very kind & desirous to send the Rations but had instr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-29 04:25:03 Too many [[?]] to be marked for Review. Please read instructions! ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-29 09:56:36 See page 36 referring to Mr Basset and rations not being available at Hanover Court House ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-30 15:12:42