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Powhatan. Nov 26, 1865. 

Col: Brown 
J Horace Lacy & Jno Randolph Bryan Esqr in the year 1863 rented a farm in my neighbourhood on which they placed some servants from their farms in the wilderness in Spotsylvania & the sea shore in Glocester for their protection - After the fall of Richmond when the right to their freedom, accrued; a small crop of corn was planted on the farm & after it was made, Mr. Bryan removed his servants, who had done most of the work, at their request to their old home in Gloucester - Mr. Lacy permitted two women Dolly Graham & Jane Sprouse & Silla Hughes & 2 children & an old helpless man Simon Jackson to remain on the farm as long as they might think proper, until his lease of it expired & altho' he was not profited by their labour continued to supply them with necessaries until this time - The lease of the farm is about to expire - Mr. Lacy has removed from the farm to his farm near the wilderness, those who wished to continue in his employment - and as the persons named above have expressed a desire to return to their old home near Fredericksburg as agent for Mr. Lacy, I have paid the expenses of their removal from the farm to Richmond & now for them, ask you the favor of to afford them transportation on the Railroad from Richmond to Fredericksburg, which is near their old homes & friends.

These persons for the last two years have been a source of expense to Mr. Lacy & have since their freedom accrued rendered [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] any service by any means equivalent to their support up to this time (which he has afforded) which can be abundantly shown & which facts I have made known to Comr of your Bureau in this county - As they have therefore little or no money I have no doubt you will afford them the desired transportation as speedily as possible - Charles Sprouse, the husband of Jane Sprouse, formerly belonged to Miss Jane Hart in Fredericksburg & came to this county after his freedom accrued & has been 

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