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Yorktown, Va. Octo. 31. '65.

Col. O. Brown,
Supt. F. Affairs.

Sir: I am a native and citizen of Pennsylvania, but for six years past have owned considerable land and have spent a large portion of my time in the vicinity of Yorktown. And having devoted a good deal of time in studying the condition and needs of the colored population, I take the liberty of presenting my views to the Department.

As you are well aware, the present colored population of the Peninsula is very largely in excess of its former numbers, or of its capacity to sustain them. In York county there is an excess of at least 1.000 families. As the continuance here of this large surplus population is alike onerous to the white inhabitants and highly demoralizing to the black, I beg leave to draw your attention to the importance of having a sufficient number removed before the setting in of winter, when the inclemency of the weather will cause a great deal of suffering if they change their locations then, as many of them will undoubtedly have to do. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-29 16:36:08