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children and grandchildren, and amongst others, that said Weisiger should retain the balance of the property and apply it, during the life of Edwin Harrison, for the support & maintenance of said Edwin & his children under the age of 21 years, while under that age, and at the death of said Edwin, what may remain, to be paid by said Weisiger to the children of said Edwin, equally; and the Deed also provides that the said Weisiger shall receive a just compensation for his services, though over 5 per centum upon his transactions, during the life of Frankey Miles, and 5 per centum after her death; and reserves to her the right, should Weisiger die in her lifetime, or from any cause fail to execute the trusts in the deed, to appoint, by proper deed, a Trustee in his stead.  This deed was read to and fully explained to Frankey Miles by the magistrate who took her acknowledgement to it.  This deed conveyed to S.S. Weisiger all of Frankey Miles' right in the said land and all her other property of every description upon the trusts and for the purposes mentioned in it.

The said Weisiger is living and it did not appear before so that he had failed to execute the trusts as far as it was possible, or that he refused to do so.

On the same day with the date of the last deed, Frankey Miles executed a Power of Attorney to Albert T. Maxey, a white man, reciting that being old & infirm and withall a free woman of color and unable for these reasons to conduct her own business and manage her plantation, [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] and appointing said Maxey her attorney & agent for those purposes, and providing that the power should not be revoked