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[[left margin]] Will of Thos Howlett. [[/left margin]]

In the name of God. Amen.

I, Thomas Howlett of Powhite in the county of Chesterfield, being at this time quite sick, but of sound and disposing mind and knowing full well the uncertainty of life, do publish and declare that this be my last will and testament.

1st.  I desire that all my just Debts be paid, with as little delay as possible after my demise.

2d.  I manumit and free from the service of all and every person whatsoever, the following named slaves now owned by and the future increase of the female slaves to Wit:
Rebecca and her children to Wit:  Wilson, George, Peter Sarah, Abby, Margaret, Christopher Rob, Dick and Fanny, also Nelson, Frederich, Aaron and Charles

3d.  I desire that all of Property real and personal (excepting slaves) be sold by my executors, hereinafter to be named, with as little delay as possible, compatible with the interest of the Parties interested and after defraying my funeral and incidental expenses & all other just Debts, my said executors, be empowered, authorized and required to cause said slaves thus manumitted and the future increase of the females to be removed to some one of the free States of this Union, where they may enjoy the Rights, I give them; and the balance (after reserving to themselves a reasonable compensation for their service and such agent or agents, as they may deem