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requirements of my beloved State.  If I have failed to comply in form, from the fact that the act is not now before me.

Witness my hand and seal this 4th. day of July 1856.
Thomas Howlett

A. Michaels.
James W. Martin
W.R Weisiger
D.N. Batteson.

In Chesterfield County Court, Aug 11th 1856 

A writing purposing to be the last will and testament of Thos. Howlett deed: was offered for probate and F G. Hancock Guardian of E.F. Howlett is admitted a Party deft. and the further consideration thereof continued until Wednesday next, 1856 November the 10th, this writing was again offered for probate, sundry witnesses were sworn and examined and after the evidence being fully heard, it is the opinion of the Court, as the case appears to them, that the said writing be established and recorded as the last will and testament of the said Thomas Howlett, and on motion of the contestant an appeal is granted him to the Circuit Court of this County, by his  

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