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Norfolk Oct 21st 1865

Col O Brown

Dear Sir I arrived at this place on the 13th and called on Capt Flagg to get the order for my mill but the Capt informed me that he could not obey an order from Gen Terry for the return of Q.M. Stores so he entered his protest against the order but said that if Gen Terry renewed the order that he would turn over to me the property; I called on him again last Monday after his return from Richmond and he told me that Gen Terry said that he would renew the order. but today he said that he had recieved an order from you for a coppy of the first order to; So you see how I am bothered about the affair. Now Col I hope that you will excuse me for troubling you about this matter but I want to enlist your assistance in my behalf as I am very much in need of the mill as it is my only means of supporting my wife and six children; I donot address you officially but as a friend therefore I take the liberty of speaking plainly; I assure you Col that my family are in circumstances that prompt me to write you this letter; therefore my apology for troubling you is your past kindness. I will tell you when I see you what influances was brought to bear against the return of the mill but you can guess. 

Yours Respt & Truly

Ro. W. Larke
Norfolk, Va

To Col O Brown

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-30 13:25:15