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family are with me, and I cannot  close my business with the Govt. unless I have a domical and a place to do my business, which I assure you is no small job, as I am not allowed a clerk to assist me.  
   The colored folks occupying my kitchen are the old family servants of Hume.  One of them is the mother of a large  number of children and two of her sons and one son-in-law is in our army  I gabe them the kitchen when I first took the house where they had lived many years.  I think they are even more entitled to quarters there than myself, nor even excepting Delany, who has nothing in the way  of command during the war, nor ha either of his three or four grown and idle sons done any thing for the Govt.  The house he now occupies was the kitchen of which  was occupied by the old servants belonging to the family who had a [[?]].  THey  were fairly kicked out by this Delany,  with no place to shelter them.  In fact, he would not allow them to take away their scanty effects until I personally interfered.  I gave the poor creatures thus unceremmoniously ousted my stable and an outshed.  the best I could do.  One of the women waas expecting hourly to be confined.
   Please write me at your earliest convenience.
Yours in fellowship
and truth
J M Luca

Maj Jn Lucas, Portsmouth