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{In the matter of the Petition of Maria Robinson vs {Lucy Wise-

Col. O. Brown, Asst Com'r, V'a, &c-


-John W. Hawley conveyed the house and lot, the possession of which by debt is in question, by deed to Maria Beazley, dated July 13, 1854 recorded same day in Culpepper Co. Va. Maria Beazley, a colored woman, married Grandison Robinson, and they both conveyed the said property to John F. Snyder by general warranty deed of Sept 27th 1865. Mrs. Robinson's only interest is by reason of the general warranty in the last named deed, giving a possible future claim against her on the part of Snyder, her grantee, on account of an alleged life estate claimed in the land by the Debt now in possession interfering with a perfect present title and possession.  There is no doubt that the Robinsons had the right to convey the fee, at least subject only to a life interest, and Snyder would in any event have but a proportionate claim on the grantors for reason of the diminished value of the estate during the life of the old lady defendant.  He was a near neighbor of the latter, knew of her possession, and it is alleged, of her claim to the life estate, therefore, by the theory of the defence, had notice, and only bought the property with such title as Mrs. Robinson had.  In this view

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-30 12:35:45