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the time of the alleged contract between Hawley, her grantor, and his mother, now Mrs. Wise, and that she herself gave the possesion to the latter as tenant at will on her leaving the neighborhood.  It is time that the testimony on this, as on some other important points, is contradicted, and that an examination and cross examination of all the witnesses will be necessary before any tribunal can determine the question safely.  The officer at the locality does not seem to have made an "investigation and report" as ordered, but to have sent instead a bundle of ex parte affidavits and arguments.  From these, however, I consider that Mr Snyder as grantee of Mrs Robinson, has a good title and right of possession, and recommend that he pursue his rights as a white citizen of Virginia, without troubling Mrs Robinson at present, or disingenuously availing himself of her skirts to obtain the inexpensive and summary process of the Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Respectfully submitted,
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col 3d Reg. V.R.C.
