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Roseland, Octo: 13 '65

Dear Sir,
This will introduce to you my countryman, W. John Moore,
a most worthy citizen, who has some matters of business in your Department of the Freedmen's Bureau, the merits of which will appear in certain papers he will exhibit, and his own oral explanations, on which you may implicitly rely.
It appearing that Capt. Wilder claims under confiscation purchase a portion, if not the whole of the property in question, I have recommended to him to transfer his case to a more impartial tribunal.
Mr. Wm. H. Tabb may accompany Mr. Moore, who is equally reliable.

I am,
With great Respect,
Your Obdt Servt
Jos. Segar

Colo. Oliver Brown
Chief Commr Freedmens Affairs of Va.

Transcription Notes:
Sorry I just can't decipher the names. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-31 23:52:47