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From Rev. Dr. Storrs
"Brooklyn June  9 1865 
The Rev. O.S. St. John has been known and esteemed by me for many years. He has been for a year or two past engaged in a work of practical Christian Philanthropy in this city, aiding the Freedmen who have come here from the South to find homes and employment.
I am heartily glad to contribute to his assistance and encouragement in the prosecution of his work and I hope that others will be ready to extend aid to him for his works sake."

From Rev. Henry Ward Beecher
"Brooklyn June 28 1865
"My Dear Tim
I heartily commend you and your work so well done to the sympathy and aid of all who desire the well being of the poor & friendless. Enclosed is ten dollars, my individual subscription."

From Rev. Dr. Spear and Mr. Robinson
"Brooklyn June 20 1865
"We know Rev. O.S. St. John as a Christian man and esteemed minister. He ought to be helped in his valuable labors among the Freedmen & we hope Christian people will cheerfully contribute to his assistance."

Transcription Notes:
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