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Bagwell, Thomas H. 178. Bain, R. J. K. 146. Bain, Thomas E. 116. Baker, Richard H. 205. Ballard, Willard Lieut. 7. Baptist Church, Princess Anne 75. Barnes, Stuart, Capt. Bates, James A. Capt. 84. Baxter, O. F. D. 48. Bayly, Jane O. 132. Bell, Alexander 150. Berry, Ann Eliza 131. Biggs, Kader 153. Bilisoly, Virginia B., M. D. 128. Birchett, Wm G. 57. Blackwell, Emma Mrs. 203. Blake, J. A. Capt. 70. 141. Bland, Absalom 115. Blow, George Sr 99. Board, Appointment of 54. Bohonon, D. W. Capt. 39. 58. 80 . 191. 2/193. Bolder, Levi 57. Bolling, Robt. B. Mr. 47.48. Booker, George 11.7. Bounty Instructions regard 141. Bowie, Robert G. Mr. 51. Bradford, Annie E 102. Brewer, John M. 216. Brown, O Col. 19.30.104 Bryant, Charles B. 57. Buchanan, Henry W. 211. Burd, Charles H. Lieut. 191. Burkhardt, P, Mr. 43.44.
Transcription Notes:
Some questions on "Mr" at ends of names
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