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2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued.

III. ...  Par 2.  S.O. No 10 Series of 1865 from these Head Quarters is amended to read, as of that date, as follows:

Captain Stuart Barnes A.Q.M, having in accordance with Special Orders No. 297. Par. 36, War Dept. A.G.O.  Washington DC June 12th 1865, reported for duty, is hereby assigned to duty as Superintendent of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, for the Counties of Surrey, Sussex, Greenville, Brunswick, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, Nottoway, Prince Edward, Charlotte, Halifax, Chesterfield, Amelia, Powhatan, Cumberland and Buckingham, with his Head Quarters at Petersburg, Va - 

By order of Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comr
James A. Bates
Capt. and A.A.A.G

Duplicate sent Genl O.O. Howard.

Special Orders 
No. 6.

V.  So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of C.W. Grandy, Jr, consisting of a house and a lot, situated at the corner of Trenton and Boush Streets in the City of Norfolk, Va, is restored

to him with all the rights and privileges of ownership, upon the following conditions - viz:

1st.  The property will be restored to C.W. Grandy, Jr, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists.

2nd. That nothing in the order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued.

II. ...  So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of Sarah A. Gwine, deceased, consisting of a lot of land, with tenements thereon, situated on the Southern Side of King Street, Portsmouth, Va, also a lot of land with tenements thereon, situated on the North side of County Street, Portsmouth, Va, is restored to Thomas S. Hubert, and to the heirs of Joseph B. Hubert, deceased, with all the rights and privileges of ownership, upon the following conditions - Viz:

1st  The property will be restored to Thomas Hubert, and to the heirs of Joseph B. Hubert, deceased, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists.

2nd  That nothing in this order be construed as entitling them to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued.