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28 week by the Asst. Superintendent, who will on the last day of each month, forward a report, through your office to the Asst. Commissioner, showing amount of business transacted. By Order of Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comr James A. Bates Capt. and A.A.A.G. Similar copies of the above letter were sent to the Supt. 2nd Dist. in regard to Intelg. Office at Petersburg to the Supt. 3rd Dist. in regard to Intelg. Office at Richmond to the Supt. 4th Dist. in regard to Intelg. Offices at Fredericksburg & Charlottesville to the Supt. 7th Dist. in regard to Intelg. Office at Lynchburg Copy sent. Genl O. O. Howard January 24th, 1866. Circular No 4. Superintendents will make out and forward to these Head Quarters a roll of the Civilians, Employed in the Freedmen's Courts, within their Districts. This roll will show the County in which, each Civilian has served, and the Amt. of funds received in each County, by the Courts, from Contracts, fines and all other sources, each class of items being reported separately. By Order of Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comr. James A. Bates Capt. and A.A.A.G. Copy sent Genl. O. O. Howard 29 January 24th, 1866 Special Order No. 18 I... The following named Officers having reported in compliance with Par. 1. S.O. 121, War Department, Bureau R.F. & A.L. Series of 1866, are hereby ordered to report in person, without delay, to Captain W.S. How, A.Q.M. and Superintendent 6th District, Bureau R. F.and A.L, Winchester, Va, for assignment to duty- to relieve Officers whose regiments have been ordered to be mustered out of service. Bvt. Maj. George B. Carse, Capt. 24th, V.R.C. II... The following names Officers having reported in compliance with Par. 23 S.O.16 C.S. War department, A.G.O. are hereby ordered to report- in person, without delay to Major James Johnson, Superintendent 10th District, Bureau R. and A.L, Fredericksburg, Va, for assignment to duty- to relieve Officers whose regiments have been ordered to be mustered out of service. 1st, Lt. G.W. Roberts, 16th Regt. V.R.C. 2nd Lt. Edward W. Busby, 3rd Regt. V.R.C. By Order of Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comr James A. Bates Capt. and A.A.A.G. Copy sent. Genl O. O. Howard
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-08 13:41:32
change ditto marks to text, as directed in TIPS
doublecheck spellings of names
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 19:38:07
none of the above errors fixed when I reopened; worked on first page, but not 2nd page yet
Corrected Roman numerals, removed hyphens from words spanning two lines of text (as per instructions). Made various other corrections.