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66 with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, Series 1865, War Dept, Bureau R.F. and A.L, and upon the following conditions - Viz: 1st The property will be restored to Henry F. Jones and the other heirs, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists. 2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling them to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued. By order of Col. O. Brown James A. Bates Capt A.A.A.G Copy sent to Maj Genl. O.O. Howard March 10th 1866 Special Order No 45. I So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of Elizabeth R. Curtis and James Curtis consisting of two tracts of land [[strikethrough]]in[[/strikethrough]] situated in Warwick County, Va is restored to them with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par 8 Cir 15. Series 1865 War Dept. Bureau R.F. and A.L. and upon the following conditions - viz: 1st The property will be restored to Elizabeth R. Curtis and 67 James Curtis, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists. 2nd. That nothing in this order be construed as entitling them to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued. By order of Col. O. Brown James A. Bates Capt. & A.A.G. Copy sent to Maj. Genl: O.O. Howard March 12th, 1866. Special Order No. 46 I. The following named officers having reported in compliance with Par. II S.O. No. 32, C.S., War Dept, Bureau R.F. & A.L., are hereby ordered to report in person, without delay, to Capt. T.F.P. Crandon, A.Q.M. & Supt. 4th Dist. Gordonsville, Va., for assignment to duty. - 2nd Lt. E.Y. Rudd 21st V.R.C. By order of Col. Brown James A. Bates Capt. & A.A.A.G. Copy sent to Maj Genl Howard March 13th, 1866. Special order No. 47. I. Lt. Col. H. Neide V.R.C., Inspector Genl., Bureau R.F. and A.L., Va., is hereby ordered to proceed to Fortress Monroe, Va., from there to Norfolk, Va., and thence to Petersburg, Va., for the purpose of inspecting the condition of Bureau affairs at those [[pages overlayed]] 2 III. - It will henceforth be the duty of the Assistant Superintendents to attend, in person, the trials of all criminal cases within their jurisdiction, including criminal trials or preliminary hearings before Justices of the Peace or other Magistrates, to which a colored person may be a party, or in which, according to the law above quoted, the testimony of a colored person may be taken. IV. - When present at such trials or hearings, the Assistant Superintendents will not interfere at the time with the action of the Court or Magistrate, but will confine themselves to such friendly suggestions, made to a colored party concerned or the Counsel for the same, as may be necessary. They will not act as Attorneys in such cases, or argue with the Court or Magistrate. They will however, make immediate report if any instance of oppression or injustice against a colored party, whether prosecutor or defendant, and also in case the evidence of colored persons should be improperly rejected or neglected. In such cases, all details possible will be forwarded. V. -They will also carefully examine and report if in any instance a Justice of Peace, Attorney for the Commonwealth Grand Jury, or other authority vested with the power of allowing or regulating the institution of criminal proceedings, has refused justice to a colored person by improperly neglecting a a complaint or declining to receive an oath or sworn information tendered by such a person, whereby a trial or prosecution might be prevented through partiality or prejudice. VI. - All Superintendents will on the last day of each month, make a detailed report of the manner in which this Order, by restoring to the State authorities jurisdiction in criminal cases over colored persons, has resulted, with reference to the interests of the letter, within their respective districts and sub-districts,-whether they have been treated with impartiality and fairness, and the law respecting their testimony carried out in good faith or other wise. O. BROWN. Colonel and Assistant Commissioner Official: James A. Bates Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Dept. of Virginia, Richmond, Va, March 12th, 1866. The foregoing Order is approved, but no person of color will be examined, or brought to trial on a criminal charge until he shall have had sufficient time and opportunity to notify the Assistant Superintendent of the Freedmen's Bureau for the Sub-district, of the time when, and place where, such examination or trial is to take place. By command of Major General A. H. Terry: ED. W. SMITH, OFFICIAL: Assistant Adjutant General. A. D. C. [[/pages overlayed]]
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-01 18:03:09
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 18:49:40
Assuming transcription of complete pages obscured underneath the overlayed page is copied from previous images-- this is difficult to review, without reference to the text copied!
Perhaps this transcription should be soley of the smaller open pages overlayed, but I would not reverse or delete any good work done by previous transcribers.
Therefore, as a reviewer, I can only confirming text that I am able to see on this precise image, notably those indicated at the end within [[pages overlayed]] formatting.
Adding page number 2 atop the denoted [[pages overlayed]]
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 11:51:21