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Special Order No 51

March 20th, 1866.
Special Order
No 51
I...So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of Wm R. Hanahan, consisting of a lot of land, with appurtenances thereon situated on County Street, Portsmouth, Va, is restored to him with all the rights and privileges of ownership, upon the following conditions. viz:
1st The property will be restored to Wm R. Hanahan, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists.
2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which many have accrued. 
II...So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of Humphrey H. Hynne, consisting of a tract of land, situated in Counties of York and Warwick, Va, is restored to him with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, War Department, Bureau R.F. and A.L, Series 1865, and upon the following conditions- viz:
1st the property will be restored to Humphrey H. Hynne, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party or parties, if any exist 
2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to

compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued-

III. So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of Frederick W. Jett, consisting of a lot of land, situated in the town of Hampton, Elizabeth City County, Va, is restored to him with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, Series 1865, Bureau R. F. and A.L, War Department, and upon the following conditions- Viz:
1st The property will be restored to Frederick W. Jett, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party or parties, if any exists-
2nd That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued-

IV. So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, a tract of land, known as Yatemsville, situated in the County of Norfolk, Va, is restored to Charles Sharp, trustee, with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, Series 1865, War Department, Bureau R.F. & A.L, and upon the following conditions--Viz:
1st The property will be restored to Charles Sharp, trustee, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists-

III. The Officers and Agents of the Bureau will, by all means in their power, assist the State Authorities in preventing the lewdness and adultery, made penal offences in the 4th Section of the second Act above quoted, and will impress upon colored persons the consequences as well as the crime of its violation. They will further instruct the freed people that the Act only sanctions unions existing at the date of its passage, and for all those subsequent or proposed in future, licenses must be obtained and solemnization made, without which they will be criminal offences.

IV. In order to carry out more efficiently the above laws and instructions, the freed people will also be required to assume a surname where none is now borne by them, and informed that, except in the case of a female upon her marriage, the name now used, or thus adopted, can only be changed by the Circuit Courts of the State.

Colonel and Assistant Commissioner.

James A. Bates
Acting Assistant Adjutant General.

RICHMOND, VA., March 19th, 1866.

I approve of the above instructions and recommendation, and hope all Civil Officers of the State who can assist in the performance of the duties herein named will do so.



Transcription Notes:
Wasn't sure how to handle "compensation" being split across the two pages when both pages are considered a unit. Also a lot of words I could not make out. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 19:20:43 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 19:35:22