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74 2d That nothing in this order be construed as entitling the trustee, or owners to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued V ...So far as any jurisdiction of this Bureau extends over it, the property of James Hicks, consisting of two lots of land, situated in the town of Hampton, Elizabeth City County, Va, is restored to him, with all the rights and privileges of ownership, subject to the requirements of Par. 8, Cir. 15, Series 1865, War Department, Bureau R.F. & A.L, and upon the following conditions - Viz! 1st The property will be restored to James Hicks, upon the expiration of the lease to any third party, or parties, if any exists 2d That nothing in this order be construed as entitling him to compensation for damages to the property, or to rents which may have accrued By Order of Col. O. Brown, Asst. Comr James A. Bates Capt. and A.A.A.G. Copy sent Genl. Howard. March 21st, 1866. Circular No 12. I. The Superintendents of the Bureau in this State will at once communicate in writing with each Board of Overseers of the poor in the Counties 75 and towns providing for their own poor, withing their respective Districts, and obtain from those Boards if possible clear and distinct written answers in relation to the following pints - viz: Will the Board undertake to provide for the maintenance, or assistance, of destitute, colored persons having a settlement in its respective town, or county, in the same manner as is provided for destitute, white persons? What will be the extent and character of such maintenance, or assistance, and if it cannot be provided for all destitute, colored persons, for what proportion will the Board undertake to provide? What rule of action does the Board propose for their own government on the whole subject of colored paupers? It will be understood that these questions apply to the present year for which it is demanded that the freed people should pay taxes, and includes the ability as well as the disposition of the several corporations in the premises. II. The Superintendents will as soon as possible report the answers received to the above inquiries, with such remarks a may further explain the prospect of obtaining the assistance of the State Authorities in the support of freedmen for the year. They will forward their reports on