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Genl Howard
Maj. White
Capt. Austin
Jno. W. Barnes
II. Captain John W. Barnes having been mustered out of the service of the United States, is hereby appointed Asst: Supt: to date from Dec 25. 1866. of the Counties of Nansemond and Isle of Wight, with his Head Quarters at Suffolk Va.

He will report by letter to Captain W. P. Austin Supt: 1st Dist Bureau R.F and A.L. Dept Potomac at Norfolk Va.

Genl Howard
Maj White
III. Leave of Absence to go out of the Department, is hereby granted the following named officers: for five (5) days.
Bvt. Maj. Geo. Q. White Captain A.Q.M.

Genl Howard
Capt. Mallery
IV. Captain Garrick Mallery 43. U.S.I. Inspector. Bureau 
R.F. and A.L. Dept of the Potomac, will proceed to the Counties of Norfolk, Princess Anne and Elizabeth City, Va. for the purpose of inspecting affairs connected with the Bureau in those Counties . . .

The same having been completed he will return to these Head Quarters without delay.

By command of 
Bvt: Maj: Genl: J. M. Schofield
Asst. Commissioner
O Brown
Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A Lands
Head Quarters Asst Comr Dept of the Potomac
Richmond Va. January 3. 1867

Special Orders } 
No: 3. }

Genl. Howard
Capt. McDonnell
Capt. Chandler
I Leave of absence to go out of the Department, is hereby granted to the following named Officers, for ten (10) days, to take effect from January 9. 1867.
Gilbert R. Chandler Captain V.R.C. 


By Command of 
Bvt: Maj: Genl. J. M Schofield
Asst. Commissioner
O Brown
Actg: Ass't: Adjt: Genl:

Head Quarters, Department of the Potomac
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A.L.
Richmond. Va. Jan 9th 1867

Special Orders } 
No. 4. }

Genl Howard
Bvt: Maj: White
Bvt. Maj: Stone
Lt. Yeckley
I. So much of par: 4. S.O. 175. Series 1866. Head Quarters. Ass't. Commr. Dept. of the Potomac. as established the Head Quarters of 2nd Lieut. J. A. Yeckley. Asst. Supt: of the Counties of Prince George and Dinwiddie, at Petersburg, Va, is hereby revoked, and the Head Quarters of this Officer will be at Dinwiddie C.H. Dinwiddie County, Va.

Genl Howard
Surg. De Lamater
Bvt. Maj Morse
Capt. Tidball
A A Surg. Brown
II. A Board to consist of the following named officers is hereby appointed to meet on Wednesday next the sixteenth day of January, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at Gordonsville, Va. for the purpose of taking an inventory of the Medical and Hospital Property at Gordonsville, for which A.A. Surg. Chas. S. Green, U.S A lately in charge of the Freedmans Hospital at that place, but now deceased, was responsible, and invoice the same to the successor of A A Surg. Green.

They will prepare a Return of Medical and Hospital Property in triplicate. from the records and last returns and papers of the deceased officer, forwarding them to these Head Quarters for approval.
Bvt: Maj. W. R. Morse Captain V.R.C.
Captain W. S. Tidball V.R.C.
A.A. Surg. D. R. Brown USA.

By command of Bvt: Maj: Genl. J. M. Schofield, Asst. Com. 
O Brown
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 21:34:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-08 17:06:59 "De Lamater" is the surname. (changed from Surg. Dr. Lamater") "C.H." = Court House (changed from "C.I.")