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[[Two column table]]
√Saffer, Benj. F.|123.
√Saffer, W.T.|126.
√Schaeffer, C.S., 1. Lieut. &c A.S.|1.46. Cir.8.
√Schofield, J.M. Maj. Genl.&c.|135.
√"School Reports"- attention called to}|Cir. 10. (Folio 65).
√"Schools" Personal insp. of|Cir. 17. (Folio 165).
√Schreiner, Herman. Lieut.|90.
√Scott, David. P. Lieut.|123. 131.
√Sears, Hector, 2d Lieut & A.S.|44. 46. Cir. 8, 2/134.
√Sewall, F.D, Col. & Actg. Insp. Genl|20.
√Shackleford, J.W.|106. 126.
√Sharp, J.W. Capt.|46. Cir. 8, 123.
√Shaum, B.F, 2 Lieut. & A.S.|1. 46. Cir. 8.
√Sherwood, Geo. P, Capt. & A.S.| 8. 24. 46. Cir. 8, 123. 135.
√Shields, Wm, 2. Lieut. &c|45. 46. Cir. 8, 92.
√Simpson, John. F.|129.
√Slaughter, Ann|127.
√Sloan, W.H.|123.
√Smith, Mary. S.|10.
√Smith, Frank. K. A.S.|30. 46. Cir. 8, 52. 54. 60. 79.
√Smith, H. M.|38.
√Smith, S.B, 1 Lieut, A.S.|46. Cir. 8.
√Smith, Robert|126.
√"Southgate Institute"|127.
√Spencer, Chas, Cashier|Cir. 2. (Folio 23).
√Stevenson, L.W. 2 Lt & A.S.|7. 32. 37. 46. Cir. 8
√Stone, J.R, Bvt. Maj.|{47. Cir. 8, 50. 54. 90. 101. 104. 115. 118. 119. 2/134.
√"Sub. Dist" Inspection Of|Cir. 5 (Fol. 38) & Cir. 13 (Folio 89).
√"Sub. Dist" discontinuance of old & designation of new}|Cir. 8. (Folio 51).
√"Supt."- change of title|Cir. 6. (Folio 48).
√Swift, Mrs. Julia W.|80.