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and State of Virginia, one mile north of Leesburg, containing five (5) acres, more or less, on the East side of the road leading from Leesburg to Waterford, and bounded by lands of-Shaffer and William A. Powell. 
25. That house and lot, formerly owned by John M. Orr, situated in the city of Leesburg, Londo[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]n County, and State of Virginia, containing one (1) acre, more or less, on the corner of Back and Cornerall Streets, and north side of Cornerall Street.
26. That house and lot formerly owned by John M. Orr situated in the city of Leesburg, in Londo[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]n County, and State of Virginia, on Back Street, bounded on the north by land of William I Forsyth; on the West by Back Street; on the South by land of A.R Mott.
27. That tract of land formerly owned by Edwin R Only, situated in Londo[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]n County, and State of Virginia, one mile east of Leesburg, containing 4 (four) acres, more of less, bounded on the East, South, and West by land of Thomas Edwards.
28. That tract of land formerly owned by Thomas W. Edwards, situated in Londo[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]n County, and State of Virginia, one mile east of Leesburg, containing five hundred (500) acres, more of less, bounded on the East by land of E. J. Lee; on South by [[?]] Thomas W. Cleggett and others; on [[?] by land of H. M. Hardy; on the North by [[?]] pike leading from Leesburg to Washington.