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34. That house and lot formerly A.R. Mott. situated in the city of Leesburg in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of Virginia, bounded on the West by Back Street; on the North by land of John Orr; on the South by land of Simon Small. 
35. That house and lot formerly owned by A.R. Mott situated in the city of Leesburg, in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of Virginia, being the Drug Store building and lot on King Street. 
36. That dwelling house and lot formerly owned by A.R. Mott, situated in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of Virginia, [[bounded]] by Market Street; on the East by land of John Harden; on the West by land of Mrs. Duvall.
37. That house and lot formerly owned by Charles T. Tibbs, situated in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of Virginia, bounded on the South by Loudoun Street; on the East and North by land of Burr and Harrison. 
38. That house and lot, formerly owned by William B. Lynch, situated in the city of Leesburg in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of Virginia, bounded on the North by Market Street; on the East and West by lands of James S. Wallace. 
39. That house and lot formerly owned by William B. Lynch, situated in the city of Leesburg, in Loudo [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] n County and State of 

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to note strikethrough in the u of Loudoun. The spelling Loudoun is correct I believe.