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County and the State of Virginia, bounded on the East by Adams Street; on the North by Mary Street; composed of two half-lots Nos. 13 and 94:— also two half-lots adjoining, forming an entire square.

119 That lot of land formerly owned by Alexander S. Grigsby, situated in Fairfax County and State of Virginia, beginning at junction of Main and Keene Streets, running on one hundred and forty-three (143) feet on Keene Street to Buckleys tan yard; thence seventy-five (75) feet to western line of land of John and Newton Keene; thence one hundred and forty-four (144) feet to Main Street; thence to the beginning on the north side of Main Street.

120 That tract of land formerly owned by Alexander S. Grigsby, situated on the Fairfax Turnpike, near lands of Triplet and Spindle, containing one (1) acre and thirty-five (35) rods, more or less. (full description in Records of the Bureau).

121. That tract of land formerly owned by Alexander S. Grigsby, situated in Fairfax County and State of Virginia, on an arm of Cub Run, and near lands of Caster and Fitzhugh, containing two hundred