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[[3 columned table]]
| Number | Subject. | Date issued. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Circular | Each Medical Officer in charge of a Hospital, will make a daily morning Report of sick and wounded, to the District Superintendent. | Nov. 16th, 1866.  Folio 40. |

| Circular | States, that Reports due on a stated day, by regulations, or instructions, or Circulars of the Bureau, are not always forwarded promptly. This irregularity must be promptly corrected, and the rules must be strictly observed. | Dec. 3rd, 1866.  Folio 43. |

| Circular | Directs that two (2) copies of report on form "No. 2". shall be sent to the Office of Chief Med. Officer, at the end of each month. | Dec. 20th, 1866.  Folio 48. |

| Circular | Contains instructions from Office Chief Med. Officer, Washington, D.C, for Medical Officers, serving in the District of Virginia, in making returns of Medical and Hospital property. | Dec. 21st, 1866.  Folio 40. |

| Circular | Orders from Washington, direct, that all Officers and Agents of the Bureau, who have public property under their charge, take necessary precautions to guard against its destruction by fire. | Dec. 22/66.  Folio 50. |

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