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As soon as athe Hospital is closed, A.A. Surg. Warner, will place all Medical and Hospital supplies and property in his possession belonging the the Government in a cleanly and proper condition for transportation, seeing it all well packed and properly marked, and forwarded to A.A. Surg. E.R, Cany U.S.A. Hampton Va. At the sametime sending the proper invoices of the same. A.A. Surg. Cany will receipt for the property.

Having effected this A.A. Surg. Warner will send his contract to this office for annullment, as there will be no further need of his services on the eastern shore Va. There is no vacancy for him to occupy, and the means of the Bureau will allow of no new assignment --

He will make out his account for services to the date of annullment of the contract,  which on being forwarded with proper vouchers, that his final statements are correct and his relations to the Government are fully settled - will be paid.

(signed) JJ DeLamater
Surg USVols. Chf Med Offr
Bureau RF & A Lands Va.

Bvt Brig. Gen O. Brown
Asst Comr State Va.

a true copy 
JJ DeLamater Surg USVols
Chf Med Off Bureau
State Va