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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands
Office Chief Medical Officer: State Va.
Richmond Va. May 28th 1866.

Surg C. W. Hornor US vols.
Chf Med Off Bureau R.F.&A.L.

I have the honor to report that the gardens attached to the Hospitals and Homes for Freedmen in this state are progressing in a satisfactory manner. Labor is much limited by the few attendants allowed Hospitals, and the necessity that most of the time, of these shall be occupied in direct Hospital duties. The orders are so strictly carried out, directing the retaining of no patients in Hospital, who are sufficiently recovered to be self supporting, that it limits much, the amount of available aid from this source. still much is being effected - and some Hospitals have very large and fine gardens. The Howard Grove Hospital at Richmond, is particularly noticable in this respect. Altho the season has been very cold and late in this state, many of the early vegetables have for some time been furnished patients in Hospitals. and many others are very promising. I think the system will prove very useful and a success.

I am with much respect
Yo ur Obdt servant
(signed) J J DeLamater Surg USV
Chf Med Offr Bureau RF&AL.
State Va

True copy of report
J J De Lamaater Surg USV
Chf Med Off Bureau
State Va

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