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[[3 columned table]]
| No | Subject. | Date |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Circular No. 8. | Freedman's Courts in the various Sub Districts will stand adjourned until further orders | May 14/66 |
| Circular No. 9. | Relates to condition of Colored Orphan Minors in various Sub-Dists. | May 18/66 |
| Circular No. 10. | Official Communications will hereafter be addressed to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, omitting Asst. Comr. |
|   | II. Asst. Supts. will report the number of freedmen, who although able to earn a support, are drawing rations | May 24/66 |
| Circular No. 11. | Asst. Supts, will report the number of freedpeople who require treatment in an Insane Asylum_ | May 26/66 |
| Circular No. 12. | Asst. Supts. will report the Number, age and sex of Freedman Idiots, in their respective Sub-Dists, and the manner in which they are provided for. | May 30/66 |
| Circular No. 13. | Invites attention to habitual neglect of Asst. Supts. to comply with requirements of Cir. 4, C.S. from Hd. Qrs., Asst. Comr. Orders obedience to said instructions | June 4/66 | 

[[3 columned table]]
| No. | Subject. | Date |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Circular No. 14. | States that a "Farm School" for Colored Orphan Minors has been opened in Washington, D.C. | June 4/66 |
| Circular No. 15. | Requires information as to what extent Counties can receive and provide for their own indigent freedpeople, who left homes and became domiciles in other Counties -- | June 8/66 |
| General Orders No. 2. | The District heretofore known as 9th Dis't will hereafter include Counties of Northampton and Accomac, and will be known as Fifth District, Va -- | July 10/66 |
| Circular No. 16. | Asst. Supts'. will report all Orders and Circulars received from or through Hd. Qrs. 9th Dist Va. | July 13/66 |
| Circular No. 17. | Requires on 25th of the Month a list of all Civilian Employees and enlisted men drawing rations, and on duty in Bureau R. F. & A.L., also the number of Male and female freedmen entitled to rations on that day. | July 26/66. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 17:04:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 20:20:55 This was submitted for Review, but only the first page was transcribed.