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[[3 columned table]]
| Number | Subject | Date issued |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Circular No. 13. | Asst. Supts. requested to furnish a report of the number of paupers (colored) in their respective Sub-Districts, giving name, age &c. | March 1, 1866. |
| Circular No. 14. | Asst. Supts. ordered to propound certain specified questions to the Board of Overseers of the Poor_ | Mar. 24, 1866. |
| Circular No. 15. | Asst. Supts. ordered to make a monthly report of the number of Freedmen's Courts, held in their respective Sub-Districts, during the month. | Mar. 26, 1866. |
| Circular No. 16. | Reports ordered to be made of prevalence of small-pox, if any exists. | Mar. 31st, 1866. |
| Circular No. 17. | Asst. Supts. will ascertain the number of Rations needed for issue during the month &c. | April 4th, 1866. |
| Circular No. 18. | Information required, as regards the demand for labor of freedmen | April 18, 1866. |
| Circular Letter. | Requires prompt attention to all General and Special Orders and Circulars etc. | April 18, 1866. |
| Circular Letter. | Orders that all cases of desecration of graves of Union soldiers be reported. | April 24, 1866. |

Transcription Notes:
One [[Aversions?]] remains. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 21:02:44