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[[3 columned table]]
| Number | Subject. | Date issued |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Circular No. 23. | No fees for the making of contracts with freedmen, will hereafter be charged_ | June 6, 1866. |
| Circular No. 24. | Asst. Supts. requested to forward a report, as to whether they have records, showing that a Census of colored population has been taken | Aug. 25th, 1866. | 
| Circular No. 25. | Asst. Supts. ordered to forward a complete list of Freedmen to whom rations are issued, who are not residents of the Counties from which they receive support_ | Sept. 5th, 1866. |
| Circular No. 26. | Asst. Supts. of 6th Dist, Va, will at once take the Census of the colored population in their respective Sub-Districts. | Sept. 8th, 1866. |
| Circular No. 27. | Asst. Supts. will forward on, or before the 18th of each month, estimates of the number of Rations required for the succeeding month. | Nov. 23d, 1866. |

Transcription Notes:
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