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Bureau Refugees. Freedmen, and A. Lands,
Office Superintendent 10th Va District,
Fredericksburg Va May 28th 1866.

Circular }
No 22 }

In all known criminal cases wherein Blacks have suffered at the hands of the Whites, the Asst Superintendents of this District will confer with the prosecuting Attorney of the County in which the parties reside for the purpose of having the guilty party or parties arrested and held for trial

Should the prosecuting Attorney refuse to take cognizance of any case thus brought to his notice a report of such case will be made as per instructions in Paragraph 5 Circular 10 Head Quarters Asst Commissioner for the State of Virginia of date March 12th 1866.

James Johnson
Major V.R.C. Supt,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-11 17:53:07