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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands
Office Superintendent 10th Va District.
Fredericksburg Va. April 24th 1866

Circular Letter.

For the purpose of carrying out instructions received from Brvt Brig Genl O Brown Asst Commissioner State of Va., Asst Superintendents of the 10th Va District, will without delay report to these Head Quarters any and all cases of desecration committed upon the graves of Union Soldiers, by persons removing the Head Boards. ploughing over the Graves, or otherwise, together with the names - when they can be ascertained - who committed the act.
Measures will be taken to prevent (if possible) the desecration of such Graves - Asst Supts reporting to this Office all cases of desecration with a view to the punishment of the guilty parties.  

James Johnson
Major V.R.C. Supt.

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