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000[[?]] Head Quarters First Military District, STATE OF VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., June 4th 1867 SPECIAL ORDERS, } No. 56 } (EXTRACT.) 2. A General Court Martial is hereby ordered to convene at Fort Whipple near Alexandria Va, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 10th day of June, 1867, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such cases as may be properly ordered before it. DETAIL FOR THE COURT. 2nd Lieut. Newton Whitten. V.R.C. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court will sit without regard to hours. at such times as not to interfere with the other duties of its members.- By Command of Brigadier and Brevet Major General J. M. SCHOFIELD, U. S. A., S. F. Chalfin. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL. Gen. Brown.
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-12 20:17:36