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Vol. 2.


Head Quarters First Military District.
Richmond, Va., October 31st 1867.

Bt. Captain D. J. Connolly, U.S. Vols.
2nd Lieut Veteran Reserve Corps.
Burkesville, Va

Through Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist of Petersburg
Petersburg, Va

By direction of the Commanding General you are hereby relieved from duty as Presdt. of the Board of Registration for Nottoway County and Military Commissioner for Nottoway and Lunenburg Counties, to enable you to comply with the requirements of an order from the War Department, assigning you to duty in Florida.

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
(Signed) S. F. Chalfin
Assistant Adjutant General

Official Copy, respectfully furnished Bt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown

S. F. Chalfin,
Ast. Adjutant General

Transcription Notes:
(NB: this is only my second transcription attempt/document!) I wasn't sure if the partially obscured zero (o) ahead of the 01 at the top of the document was supposed to be included as though it were fully visible or if it needed to be indicated as an incomplete character.