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27. 1122. Vol 2. Head Quarters First Military District. STATE OF VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., November, 30th. 1867. Capt. N. M. Brooks. V.R.C. New Kent Court House. Va. Through Hd. Qrs. Sub District of Richmond. Richmond, Va. Sir: By direction of the Commanding General you are hereby relieved from duty as Military Commissioner for New Kent & Charles City Counties Va. and as President of the Board of Registration for New Kent County, and will turn over to your successor 2nd Lieut. W. H. Sloan, 11th U.S. Infantry, all books, papers and records pertaining to your office. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, (Signed) S.F. Chalfin. Assistant Adjutant General. [[?]] 724. (1st Mil Dist.) Vol. 6. 1867. (Over)
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