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005[[?]] 33. Head Quarters First Military District. STATE OF VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., December 28th, 1867. SPECIAL ORDERS, } No. 203. } (Extract.) 5. 1st Lieutenant G.G. Greenough, 21st U. S. Infantry is, in addition to his present duties, hereby detailed for duty as Military Commissioner and Superintendent of Registration and Election for the Fourteenth Division of Virginia, in place of 1st Lieutenant William B. Pease, 11th U. S. Infantry, transferred to the Thirteenth Division. General Order No. 102, from these Head Quarters, dated December 23rd, 1867, is modified accordingly. By Command of Brigadier and Brevet Major General SCHOFIELD. S. F. CHALFIN, Assistant Adjutant General. OFFICIAL: S. F. Chalfin. Assistant Adjutant General. Asst Comr Bureau R.F&AL, District of Va
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