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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Office Chief Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, State of Virginia, 
Richmond, Va., June 27th 1867. 

Circular Letter,

The Commissioner of the Bureau having decided to purchase the property belonging to the Qr. Mr. Department required for use of the Bureau in this State, the following extract from a communication of General H. M. Whittelsey Chief Qr. Mr. of the Bureau dated the 24d instant, is furnished for your information, 

"In anticipation of the instructions of the Qr. Mr. General being carried out you will forward to these Head Quarters, for the information of the Commissioner, lists in detail of so much of said property as is worthless, unserviceable, or as is no longer required for the use of this Bureau,_ These lists should show the number and quantity of each article."

You will immediately forward to this office a statement in detail of all Qr. Mr. property in your District giving the information necessary to enable me to make up a consolidated report for the Commissioner. A separate report of C.C. & G.E. must be rendered.

Geo Q White
Bvt. Major Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.

Official Copy furnished for information of Bt. Brig. O. Brown Asst Comr Va,

Transcription Notes:
Instant (Inst.) – This is used to refer to the current month. For example, a newspaper article published in December that says “12th inst.” means December 12th Qr. Mr. = Quarter Master Back then, if a number of full sentences were in quotation marks, they'd indicate them by putting " at the front of EACH line... but we don't do that.... there would be random " in the middle of these sentences. I put them at the beginning and end only, as we do in 2024. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 12:38:33