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would require to attend to his own necessary business or on account of sickness, will not be allowed at a greater rate per diem than will cover wages actually paid under contract and cost of rations if furnished. If the laborer has absented himself during harvest without sufficient reason assigned, or for a longer time than was necessary to attend to pressing legitimate business, and employers shows to your satisfaction that his crop suffered by reason of such absence, or he hired extra laborer to supply place of absentee, a higher rate per diem may be deducted. 

IV. Where there is no special provision in contracts, such as you approve to be just, no charge will in any case be allowed for fuel consumed by freedmen

V. Charges against freedmen for provisions Corn &c furnished them on account of wages or shares of Crop, will be closely scrutinized by you, and not allowed at exceeding a fair price, on the farm, for such articles, during the month, they were issued, except in cases of orders on, or purchases at any store, where such order or store bill can be produced as a voucher to account,