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with promises from them to settle until lately when in a most abusive & thretning manner they refused to make any further settlement through me or with me for Jack Walker defying me or anything Jack Walker could do with the premises The Amt. is above my jurisdiction as it stands and if it goes to the County Court unless aid and countenance is given to the prossecution Walker can do nothing! You will see that Walker is seventy years old and his wife is not far behind him in years - they are clever industrous Freedmen have good character and are well known. In being deprived of their dues from the Taylors they are suffering for the want of clothing & other nessaries of life for people of their advanced years - they worked for themselves this year and depending on said Taylors for their money to enable them to feed their work animals and themselves and not getting it in time failed in their crop far below what they would have made could they have been justly dealt by - in getting what was and is due them by the Taylors for their last years wages as set forth in contract he has &c. The said Taylors have made cotton and other crops this year - have stock in abundance and the means readily to enable them to pay Jack Walker and his wife who goes to you for help in getting their money as set forth in the foregoing. Hopeing that you will interest yourself for the wellfare of your petitioners regarding the matters to be brought before you. I remain Dr. Sir.
Very Respectfully,
Jno. M. Greaves Justice Peace
Hinds Co. "Miss." 16th Novr/67.

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