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Edward's Depot Mississippi
November 6th 1867

The petition of Maria Albert- to  Genl. Ord, would respectfully set forth that she is an honest woman as well as a hard worker.  In May 1864 she went to Vicksburg & hired  herself as a cook to a man by the name of Jim Howe, who was at that time in the U. S. services  Your petitioner continued to cook for said Howe until the Spring of 1866 without having received remuneration for her services, she was induced by good treatment, and many bright promises to go out across Blade River along with Howe & a partner whom he took with him, to cook for them while they were engaged in planting cotton, both parties promising to me for all my work at the end of the 1866   Dan Phelan is the name of Howe's partner, About the first of August  of the above named year Mr. Howe became sick & in a few days found that he must die.  He called your petitioner to him & said I have never paid you for any of the work you have done for me, & I have no money now, but have a good mule here which you know, & half of this wagon also half of the growing crop, all of which I wish you to have when I am gone, here is my watch, & my notebook, whatever they are worth I put them into your own hands now & Dan I am sure will not hesitate to give up to you all that is mine, as he has no claim whatever to anything belonging to me.  After the death of Mr Howe Phelan coaxed your petitioner to loan him the watch which he never returned, neither did he give her the mule nor  wagon, nor any part of the crop, nor would he pay the wages which he contracted with her for,  although your petitioner went to the field and picked cotton all she could in order to get what was of right hers.

Knowing you to be the friend of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] justice, Your petitioner begs and prays that you will grant her redress & enable her to recover from the said Dan Phelan that which is of right hers namely, a good mule, half of a two horse wagon, also a silver watch & my notebook,  Philan is now  working on the plantation of Mr Beverling Blunt near Edwards Depot and has in his possession the articles above named,  Your petitioner begs that something may be done for her now as the weather is now cold & warm clothes are needed & cannot be obtained without money

I am General
Your very obt & humble sv't
Maria Albert

address }
Maria Albert }
Care of Wm D.J. Browne }
Edwards Depot }

But little justice can be obtained except through the military of the state,