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Raymond Nov. 18th 1867 Allen P Huggins Esq agt. Bu. RF & AL &c. Sir- Your favor of the 16th inst. is received - also by same mail, yours of 13th - The latter shall have attention as directed by you. The former, I answer thus - The case, mentioned by you, as having been "investigated at my office," Miss "Sallie Greaves (colored) vs George Prince. I am not now able to remember, and do not find the papers on file. The defendant named by your enquiry, may or may not, be the individual known by me as George W Prince - This man lives in the Southern part of this county, and I think, near Burnetts Wall, or Utica. His post office, as I am informed by a friend, is Day Grove, Hinds County, Misp. Respectfully Your obt srvt Jos. Gray
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