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NARA 41 
Noor 20/67

War Department, 
Bureau Refugees, freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Washington, Novr 20th, 1867.

Your Statement of Provisions received, transferred, and distributed under Joint Resolution of Congress, approved March 30, 1867, "to prevent starvation," Sc., for the month of ~~~~~~~~~~~October      
  1867, has been received and examined at this office, and sent to the Third Auditor of the Treasury for settlement.

By order of Maj.=Gen. O. O. Howard. 

Very respectfully, Sc.
E. Whittlesey
A.A. Inspector=General.

Capta Samuels Sumner
S.A.C. State of Miss      

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 06:26:20