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NARA 43 War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Washington, Nov. 20th 1867. Sir: Your Statement of Provisions received, [[/strikethrough]] transferred [[strikethrough]], and distributed under Joint Resolution of Congress, approved March 30, 1867, "to prevent starvation," &c., for the month[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] of September --------------------------------------------------------1867, ha[[strikethrough]]ve[[/strikethrough]]s been received and examined at this office, and sent to the Third Auditor of the Treasury for [[strikethrough]] settlement [[/strikethrough]] file. with return transmitted to the Third Auditor of the Treasury Nov. 6th. 1867. By order of Maj.=Gen. O. O. Howard. Very respectfully, &c. E. Whittlesey A. A. Inspector=General. Capt. S. S. Sumner S. A. C. State of Miss. Jackson, Miss.
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