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Office Bur R F & A L
Sub Dis't of Vicksburg
Vicksburg Miss Nov 20. 1867.

Maj. S.S. Sumner US A
Sub Dis't Com.

I have the honor to state for your information that of cotton shiped by Misses Cortwant & Ford in Hinds Co near Smith Station
I have done this by Direction of Genl Gillem, on the complaint of Thomas France, who's one of the Laborers on Cordwants & F. place.
The cotton is held by R F &tera sub[[?]] D orders from This office, which will be based upon advice from you, if satisfactory information is not otherwise learned.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Sev't  E E Platt Capt
V R C Sub Ass't Com     

[[right margin note]] Nov 20. 67 [[/right margin note]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 10:39:59