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Fannin Rankin Co. Miss.
To The Commander Post Jackson Miss.

Dear Sir, I learned this evening that, a freedman who calles himself, Frank Taylor, and has been in my employ Since last Jan, with two others named in the Contract, who visits you for the purpose of reporting me & in order to let you have bothe Sides of the question is my Object of addressing you in this subject.  If the contract be presented for your inspection, It will be Seen that nothing unreasonable is contained in it.  I will therefore be as brief as possible, in the remarks which I wish to make.  The names contained in the Contract have up to this time, done about as near, to fulfill. Said Contract as Master of them & on My part I have never endeavered to loose sight of my part, of the Same, The Boys all find that theire expences will over run their part of the crop, & wish to leave without taking the cotton to the gin, or even doing anything more.  I was anxious for them to make a crop, & did not hinder them to put My farm in that order that is