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Please write Too Byrams Station Nov. the 25 1867
They do not go out before 9 & come in at 12 or stay till 3.

Yours Respect
Mrs. V. A. Raney

Dear Sir
As it is impossible for me too go up too Jackson soon I have thought of addressing you a letter hoping soon too hear from you, I have heard every person say that has been up too see you that you are a very Just man in settlling up difficoultyes with freedmen & those hoo employ them. I will now state how me & those on my place went in for this year. They furnish themselves & we go halves in the crop They set in for this year & now I want too know if half the time does not belong too me. for they quit work when they please & go where they want too go & stay as long as they please & if they want too do any thing for me They will & if not They will not some times I cannot get them too cut wood & make a fire I have too do it myself. Oh it is awful to live the life I am living with them. They have got through some off them gathering corn & their cotton but have not ginned it & my place is very much out off repair & I cannot get them to split a rail or fix up a thing. They say unless I pay them a Dollar per day, they are leaving their famileys here & the men are 

Transcription Notes:
Spelling and grammar left as-is. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-15 19:46:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 09:35:58 Spellings are corrected. Some words were incorrect like unlef instead of unless. Fixed those. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 12:23:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-16 12:46:19