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Terry Miss
Dec 10th 1867

Allen P. Huggins
Agt F.B. &c
Jackson Miss

Dr Sir
The freedman Washington Michols has this day made affidavit before me in reference to the trial of Bob Patrick which I forward to you according to request, remarking that he, Washington is under a mistake in regard to the necessity of his being notified of the trial, he being prosecutor, it was his business to find out The accused was committed to Jail some Six weeks ago and had his trial last friday in the Circuit Court at Raymond (as I learn). I suppose you are aware that the district Attorney becomes prosecutor in all such cases & I understand the accused, in this instance, had an impartial hearing. I have taken the affidavit to gratify the old man but do not think it is worth the paper it is written upon. 
Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J. A. Dunn  J.P.

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